With the nicer weather approaching, many clients look to slim, tone, and sculpt their lower body to look their best at the beach, at barbecues, and while socializing with friends. Many patients want to enjoy wearing swimwear and shorts and not feel self-conscious about their stomach bulges. They may be wondering, which is a better option for me, liposuction or a tummy tuck?
What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a safe and popular procedure for trimming away excess stubborn fat that may be difficult to remove through dieting and exercise alone. Dr. Wirth can use it to slim the abdomen and the thighs, lower back, waist, hips, upper arms, and double chin.
During liposuction, the surgeon will make a small, well-hidden incision in the target zone, threading through a slender metal tube known as a cannula. Excess fat is then vacuumed out of the body and discarded or saved for a fat transfer procedure later.
What is a tummy tuck?
Tummy tuck surgery can be performed to smooth, firm, and rejuvenate the belly, creating a more youthful and attractive physique. Abdominoplasty is often performed after pregnancy to tighten the separated six-pack muscles and remove excess sagging skin.
With a full tummy tuck, the belly button is repositioned in a more attractive location. With a mini tummy tuck, only the area underneath the navel is reshaped. After abdominoplasty, patients will have a scar, but this fades over time, and medical-grade skin care products can help reduce its appearance.
What is the difference between the two procedures?
Liposuction is primarily a fat loss technique and is appropriate for those who wish to remove some unsightly bulging from the midsection. On the other hand, a tummy tuck is a surgery to remove excess fat, tighten the stomach muscles, and address skin sagging in the belly.
A tummy tuck will have more scarring than liposuction, but it may be worth it to accomplish more significant body contouring goals for some patients. Both procedures, however, can help you to feel more confident and secure in how you look. You can also get a mixture of the two procedures with lipoabdominplasty surgery for total rejuvenation in Dr. Wirth's facility.
What is the takeaway?
Both liposuction and tummy tuck surgery can be excellent ways to help you get ready for summer, and the choice of which procedure is right for you is best discussed with your plastic surgeon after a physical evaluation and disclosure of your cosmetic goals. Rest assured that whatever you decide, the procedure will provide you new, exciting wardrobe options, newfound confidence, and improved energy levels.